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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-5609

Covers block: Create a Carousel layout style


    • 2
    • Block: Covers
    • Sprint #173, Sprint #174, Sprint #175
    • jupiter

      Create a Carousel layout style (frontend & backend) based for the Covers block.



      • The Carousel option should be selected by default when users create a new block.
      • The "rows to display" section should be hidden when the Carousel layout is selected.
      • Replace the "select tags" field by a dropdown menu where we can choose from available tags. This way users don’t have to remember which tags exist.
      • We could display a placeholder image instead of an error message when the content block is empty, so that users could quickly visualize how the block looks like even without content.
      • We should set by default 12 items maximum for the carousel layout. This should not be editable.
      • Add a section to enable a "view all" link.
      • Add a characters limit to 120 characters for the Description field.

        1. Backend_Take action covers block_Carousel layout style.png
          172 kB
          Nikos Roussos
        2. Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 10.39.14 AM.png
          973 kB
          Magali Fatome
        3. Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 10.39.14 AM.png
          973 kB
          Magali Fatome
        4. Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 10.44.36 AM.png
          208 kB
          Magali Fatome
        5. TA_covers_carousel--L-XL@2x.jpg
          1.15 MB
          Matthew Hinders-Anderson
        6. TA_covers_carousel--L-XL-description@2x.jpg
          1.17 MB
          Matthew Hinders-Anderson
        7. TA_covers_carousel--M--description.png
          440 kB
          Matthew Hinders-Anderson
        8. TA_covers_carousel--S--description@2x.png
          438 kB
          Matthew Hinders-Anderson
        9. tags.png
          7 kB
          Nikos Roussos

            mleray Maud Leray
            mfatome Magali Fatome (Inactive)
            Magali Fatome Magali Fatome (Inactive)
            Dan Tovbein Dan Tovbein
            0 Vote for this issue
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