Resolution: Merged
Should have
We'd like to replicate the Medium approach, by pulling out the Author's profile image in Posts (see for example).
This will add a nice human touch to the content, by associating a name to a picture. In general, the picture should be cropped into a circle. Main concerns were about the eventual change of behavior of the author profile link at the bottom of the posts and what would happen if there's an author override or the author has no profile image (perhaps pulling a generic image, like GP NL?).
The issue should be delivered with the option to decide for which posts you want to activate (community don't really see the point of this for publications or PRs, for ex..)
Brief summary of task:
This task should have a low complexity for design, we'd only have to pull out the author's profile image, style it rounded and add it to the post.
On the tech side, giving the option to choose which post types should get this feature slightly increases the complexity, but it could be an option under Planet 4 settings. Not recommended to do this on a post-by-post basis. For users with no image we could have a default one (like GP NL), and for "Author Override" we could completely skip the avatar, useful for cases when the Author is not a person (eg. Greenpeace International)
Objectives of task:
Pull out the author's profile image into each post authored by this profile
Style the imported image in the post with a rounded + size adjusted style
Add a command in P4 Settings to determine for which post types this features should be active (post types should be pulled out automatically from settings)
Propose a "default" image for authors with no profile image or in case of Author override (e.g. Greenpeace Netherlands solution)
Relevant documentation:
Check out this idea in the P4 handbook
Dependencies on other work:
Should link to a command in P4 Settings to determine for which post type this feature should be activated
Copied from Github
- blocks
PLANET-6379 New Post, Comments, Covers and Take Action Boxout design implementations
- is triggering
PLANET-6479 Add option for Author avatar in certain post types
- Icebox
- relates to
PLANET-6505 Post Author avatars: hide on "author override"