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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-947

Manage notifications settings


      As a User I want to manage notifications, e-mail preferences and subscriptions so that I have control over the type, frequency and mean of the content I'll get from Greenpeace

       User flow attached (external link - Please be advised this user flow is the COMPLETE flow, we will not be implementing everything here for the MLP)


      SCREEN 1: Email Inbox

      Given I'm following an issue/campaign or have subscribed for GP newsletters

      And I want to make sure I'm not getting too many emails

      When I open the newsletter/email

      Then I can see a "Manage your subscription preferences" CTA link

      When I click on it

      Then the login page opens in my browser


      SCREEN 2: Login Page

      Then I see input fields for credentials (email and password)

      And I notice my email is already pre-filled

      When I insert my password

      And click on the login CTA button

      Then I'm taken to the Subscription preferences page


      SCREEN 3: Settings Page

      Then I see a checkbox list with all issues followed

      And a radio button to unsubscribe from email notifications

      When I click "No"

      Then the system acknowledges changes

      And a sticky CTA button to "Save changes" slides up from the bottom of the page

      When I click on this CTA button

      Then the button is replaced by a success confirmation message

      Work week discussion:

      • User can choose to unsubscribed to items it is currently following, they will only follow them to get suggestions on items they could like to follow

        1. project_33244_ef555232.png
          122 kB
          Laura Hilliger
        2. UserFlow–EditSettingsPreferences.jpg
          100 kB
          Konstantinos Kokkorogiannis

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mcampbel Mark Campbell
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
