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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-6268

Choppy fade-in animation of cookie notice


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • None
    • None
    • Block: Cookies, Performance

      Lighthouse is flagging the cookie notice bar because it doesn't uses a "non-composited animation".

      This lowers our Lighthouse score through CLS on every page, though probably not that much. Could be this is a false flag, or the impact is too small to measure.

      Maybe we can avoid this using one of the tips in the linked article. Maybe it's not worth the effort if we expect to rewrite the cookie bar soon.

      I used 6x CPU throttling to make sure the choppiness is visible in the video, but even without throttling it's noticeable for me. Included a video without throttling, but it's harder to see.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pvincent Pieter Vincent (Inactive)
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