WP5.6 throws a new notice
Notice: add_theme_support( 'post-formats' ) was called incorrectly. You need to pass an array of post formats.
Called in master-theme/src/MasterSite.php l.100 : add_theme_support( 'post-formats' ).
This change means that a call to the function current_theme_supports( 'post-formats' ) will now return false instead of true.
The rest of the dependent code, like post_type_supports() shouldn't change, as we were not specifying any post-format before.
We don't seem to be using this functionality (see desc. https://wordpress.org/support/article/post-formats/.) The only occurrence I see is in a plugin of GP Nordic https://github.com/greenpeace/planet4-gpnordic-plugin-portrait/blob/0934e436ace46a1ef8fe2bb4cda92bf2efd155f2/includes/acf/includes/locations/class-acf-location-post-format.php#L100 but this shouldn't be impacted.
Our support for this was introduced a long time ago https://github.com/greenpeace/planet4-master-theme/commit/f4c796d99255f5d6ced5aaaf4c67f97196c020cd#diff-01c9525afc2c87cfcb03124117c9d0ebb067029f6c955a607fa0fd4274aca556R13 from a starter theme it seems https://github.com/timber/starter-theme/commit/f4c796d99255f5d6ced5aaaf4c67f97196c020cd
It looks like we could remove this call without any side-effect.