Resolution: Won't Do
Should have
Block: Carousel Header
Given I am logged in as administrator
And I navigate to 'Pages -> Add new'
Scenario: Add and edit Carousel Header block
Given I am on a new page
And I add a block "Carousel Header" from section " Planet 4 Blocks"
When I select the block
Then the block is embedded
When I select the option "Carousel Autoplay"
Then the images are triggered automatically to switch
When I select the option "Add slide"
Then a new slide appears with options to edit
When I select the option "^"
Then these options are available ("Header", "Header text size", "Description", "Link text and url", "Url for link", "Open link in a new url")
When I add content to the field "Header"
Then the counter shows me how many characters I am allowed out of 32
When I add content to the field "Description"
Then the counter shows me how many characters I am allowed out of 200
When I select the image icon
Then the Media Library window opens
When I select an image from the Media library
Then the image is embedded into the first slide
And the button "Remove this image" is now available
And the fields "Horizontal pos." and the "Vertical pos." are now available
And the selector on the image is now available
When I select "Remove slide" option
Then a slide is removed
When I select the "Add slide" option
And I make no edits
Then I see a message "Error loading block: Invalid parameter(s): attributes"
- has to be done after
PLANET-4809 Convert Carousel Header block to WYSIWYG (Beta)