Resolution: Released
Block: EN Form
Sprint #139
Noticed some EN Form Blocks are not firing the correct gGoal in the dataLayer push when the user signs up.
Solution / Requirements
1. EN Form Block Fixes:
- Make the "Goal" field mandatory in EN Form Blocks
- Don't display any value. Instead use a place holder such as "--- Select Goal ---"
- Display warning message if editors try to publish it without a Goal value
- When value is not present, fire a [not set] value (for safety, this would prevent us from loosing events in Google Analytics)
2. Fixing issues of existing pages
- To avoid asking all NROs to edit their pages and re-select "Petition Singup" it would be great to force the value "Petition Signup" on existing EN FORM BLOCKS where the value is not set.
- On other cases, where there's already a value selected (eg. "Action Alert") we should keep what's there.
- New blocks created should already contain the behaviour above, with the placeholder "--- Select Goal ---", mandatory field and warning message.
After investigation:
When you start a EN Form Block from stratch, you can see the value is by default “Petition Signup” (as appears on the screenshot above). But if you don’t actively click and select it, the value is not filled in. I edit the international page, selected another value from the dropdown and selected the Petition Signup again. And now it works!
Pages with problems:
- https://www.greenpeace.org/mena/en/act/for-a-healthy-and-clean-air/ (take action page)
- https://www.greenpeace.org/international/act/protect-the-oceans/ (take action page)
- https://www.greenpeace.org/luxembourg/fr/agir/refusons-de-financer-la-crise-climatique/ (take action page)
- https://www.greenpeace.org/slovenia/ukrepaj/osvobodimo-se-plastike/ (take action page)
Code missing gGoal:
Pages working:
- https://www.greenpeace.org/new-zealand/act/protect-the-oceans/ (take action page)
- https://www.greenpeace.org/new-zealand/act/make-oil-history/ (take action page)
- https://www.greenpeace.org/international/campaign/climate-emergency/ (campaign page)
How the code should be fired:
- relates to
PLANET-3320 Add a new dataLayer field (Goal) on Form Block backend