Resolution: Done
Should have
Block: EN Form
Sprint #98, Sprint #99
As a user, when I sign an EN form, I want to share it in Facebook, Twitter and/or email and expect the sharing buttons to behave like they do in posts and pages.
Currently all FB, TW and Email buttons pull out only the url of the page, they should also pull out exactly the same fields as they do in Posts and Take Action pages.
See snapshots and test current behaviour at:
- Form on the side style >> https://k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/en-test/a-magnificent-journey/
- Full page width style >> https://k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/en-test/page-full-witdth-style/
- Page body style >> https://k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/en-test/page-body-style/
cc nyoung
- Apply changes to 3 different syles of EN form
- Pull same metadata we include when sharing from posts and pages
- is triggering
PLANET-3874 CPP - Add Open Graph / Social section for campaign pages
PLANET-3991 Hide page title when "Form on the Side" style of the EN form block is used
PLANET-3992 EN Form: sharing buttons do not pick up the "Open Graph / Social fields" information
- relates to
PLANET-1501 Posts & Take Action pages: place share button
PLANET-1819 Add tracking code on share buttons
PLANET-3682 UI - Apply styling to existing in form thank you screen
PLANET-3777 EN Form: Style the "Thank you screen" (in-page) of petition form for Page body-text size width style
PLANET-3779 EN Form: Style the in-page "Thank you" message for the "Full page width / background image" style