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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-2919

Media Library tab: inconsistent behavior


    • 1
    • Media Library
    • Sprint #86, Sprint #87, Sprint #88, Sprint #89

      When searching for a new image from the GP media library, the behavior is inconsistent.

      Add a new post -> Add media -> select Media library tab -> search for a photo id

      User searches and finds a specific image in the GP media library, select Insert into WP media - then nothing happens => user has to close the block and refresh the page and then the image can be found in the media library

      The behavior should be that the webbie is automatically redirected to the WP media library where he can see the recently uploaded image.

      The same inconsistency appears when trying to upload an image for pages.

            dpivo Dylan Pivo (Inactive)
            aradu Andrada Radu (Inactive)
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