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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-930

Add a "Take Action" to my action list


      As a User I want to pledge participation to a Take Action so that I can help a campaign that I believe in be successful/achieve a certain goal Take Action

      Attached flow (from concept)


      SCREEN 1: Take Action Page

      Given I'm at any Take Action page

      Then I can see the Action description and title

      And the detailed steps

      And an "Add to my action list" button

      When I click on it


      SCREEN 2a: Take Action Page

      Given that I am a logged-in user

      Then the "Add to my action list" button changes to "Saved to my list"

      And gets a secondary color treatment

      And the page automatically scrolls to the "Steps" section of the action


      – or

      SCREEN 2b: Same page modal

      Given that I am an already registered but non-logged-in user

      Then a modal pops up on top of the page that I was

      And I'm prompted to login (as default)

      When I go through the[ log-in process|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fdLfO737H8QOQVZjlfvrxOZ8EClCvJkvR5NHJ2YgSjQ/edit]

      And I click on the log in button

      Then the modal box closes


      SCREEN 3: Take Action Page

      And the Take Action page I was in originally resurfaces

      And the page automatically scrolls to the "Steps" section of the action

      Then the "Add to my action list" button changes to "Saved to my list"

      And gets a secondary color treatment

      Given this is the first time I click on the "Add to my action list" button

      Then I see a dismissable dialog message confirming I've successfully saved that Take Action

      And that I can go to My Action List (linked) to view and manage my Take Actions at a later time


      – or

      SCREEN 2c: Same page modal

      Given that I am a novice non-logged-in user

      Then a modal pops up on top of the page that I was

      Then the Log in/Sign up modal pops up on top of the page that I was

      And I'm prompted to login (as default)

      Then I need to create my account first

      When I click on the Sign Up tab or "I don't have an account yet" link on the modal

      And I go through the[ sign up process (SCREEN: 2 and 3)|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fdLfO737H8QOQVZjlfvrxOZ8EClCvJkvR5NHJ2YgSjQ/edit]

      SCREEN 3: Email Inbox

      When I click on the confirmation link

      Then I'm taken to the Take Action page I was originally in  (if it is still opened: switch to tab and page is refreshed; if page has been closed: than it's opened in a new tab)


      SCREEN 4: Take Action Page

      Then I see a dismissable dialog message confirming I've successfully saved that Take Action

      And that I can go to My Action List (linked) to view and manage my Take Actions at a later time

      And I notice the "Add to my action list" button changed to "Saved to my list"

      And got a secondary color treatment

      When I click on the "Saved to my list" button

      Then it removes the action of my list

      And resets its state back to what it was ("Add to my action list")


      Work week discussion:

      • User can access action list from own profile
      • When action is deleted from action list it is also removed from DB (or place where it is being stored) we are not keeping record/history of past followed actions
      • When action is deleted then user stops following action automatically and it disappears from action list
      • All actions the user has done (when it clicks 'I did it') need to be stored
      • For MLP user does not receive any information when addint actions to action list
      • User does not follow tasks in action individually. They follow action as a whole

        1. Concept-slide25.jpg
          44 kB
          Konstantinos Kokkorogiannis

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mcampbel Mark Campbell
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