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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-925

Login with social accounts


      As a User I want to Sign In using my existing social media (Facebook/Twitter) account or email (Google) account so that I can easily log in to the website.


      SCREEN 1: Any Page
      Given I'm a non-logged-in user at the Greenpeace website
      And I want to sign in to the website
      Then I see the Sign In link/button at the top of the page
      When I click on it
      Then I'm taken to a login screen

      SCREEN 2: Login Screen
      And I see an option to login with my existing Greenpeace profile (email and password)
      And an option to sign in using my Twitter, Facebook or Google account
      And an option to create a Greenpeace profile if I don't have one already (email and password)
      And an option to recover my Profile Password if I forgot it
      Then I'm taken back to the page where I started


      • Use design as is
      • Review Plug in, incl compatibility (3 days, backend) . Make sure this does not break existing Google login, WPML etc.
      • Skin the Plug in to look like design (1 day, frontend + design)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mcampbel Mark Campbell
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