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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-7489

Migrate Campaign Covers to P4 Columns block


    • 2
    • Block: Covers
    • Sprint #241, Sprint #242, Sprint #243, Sprint #244, Sprint #245, Sprint #246, Sprint #247, Sprint #248
    • mars


      The Campaign style of Covers block will not be replicated by the new Query Loop based blocks (as it's not really a posts loop). It's also not relevant for the new IA. But as we retire it, we also need to migrate existing content to something else.

      The Image style of the P4 Columns block seems the most suitable block for this, as it doesn't require additional css overrides (eg. images are already displayed without credit text).


      • The screenshots attached show how the migration should look, but here is a breakdown:
        • Add a P4 Columns block (planet4-blocks/columns) using the Image style.
          • Use the same number of columns as the Covers block.
          • Use the tag image as the image for each column.
          • Use the tag name as the Column title. We need to add it as a title and not as a link, because then the column won't be visible.
          • Use the tag link as the Column link value in the sidebar options.
      • Remove the relevant test.
      • Remove the block code from the plugin repo too.

        1. editor.png
          930 kB
        2. frontend.png
          1.01 MB
        3. migrated backend.png
          migrated backend.png
          2.17 MB
        4. migrated frontend.png
          migrated frontend.png
          1.89 MB
        5. Screenshot from 2024-11-18 11-03-00.png
          Screenshot from 2024-11-18 11-03-00.png
          253 kB
        6. Screenshot from 2024-11-18 11-03-15.png
          Screenshot from 2024-11-18 11-03-15.png
          524 kB

            pfiguero Pedro Figueroa
            nroussos Nikos Roussos
            Carolina Romo Angulo Carolina Romo Angulo
            Sagar Deshmukh Sagar Deshmukh
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
