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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-7409

Implement new parameters on Google Consent Mode script


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Must have Must have
    • 2.124.0
    • None
    • 2
    • Analytics
    • Sprint #228, Sprint #229, Sprint #230
    • pandora


      The current Planet 4 consent management system needs to be modified and implemented to properly manage the consent mode. 


      1. The logic of the script needs to be changed. Today, we call the default consent once the user lands on the page, and then we call the update consent with the user new preferences every new page. Instead, we should call the default consent once the user lands on the page, the update consent when they interact with the cookies bar, and then we should keep calling the default consent on the following pages with their updated preferences.
      2. The Consent Mode v2 was released last year and introduced new parameters which needs to be implemented on Planet 4 consent management system


      Task #1: Include new variables on the Consent Mode script

      Two new parameters need to be implemented on the Consent Mode script: 

      1. ad_user_data 
      2. ad_personalization 

      The new parameters should be set using the same value as the ad_storage parameter. 

      In the scripts that execute the consent default, the following instruction should be added: 


      gtag('set', 'url_passthrough', true); 
      gtag('set', 'ads_data_redaction', true); 


      1. The url_passthrough parameter should always be set to true and is only set when the script that executes the consent default is run. 
      2. The ads_data_redaction parameter should be set according to the following logic: 
      3. true when ad_storage is set to denied. 
      4. false when ad_storage is set to granted. 

      Respectively, the two previous parameters are used for: 

      • url_passthrough: controls whether there are advertising parameters (gclid, dclid, gclsrc, _gl) in the current page's URL and adds them to all the URLs of internal links that the user might click on. (Google Official guide)
      • ads_data_redaction: ensures that requests related to advertising will be directed through a new domain without cookies, instead of being directed to doubleclick.net or google.com. The requests will be sent to googleadsyndication.com, which will write cookies (related to advertising) on behalf of Google. And that the click identifiers on the ads will be obfuscated in advertising requests and consent pings. (Google Official Guide)


      Next steps:

      Task #2: Update the default and update consent mode scripts

      This task will be added to a new ticket but you can choose to merge them if it's better.


            fhernand Florent Hernandez (Inactive)
            jmarubay Julia Marubayashi
            Julia Marubayashi Julia Marubayashi
            Sagar Deshmukh Sagar Deshmukh
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