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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-6693

Articles block: reduce navigation options


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • None

      In a newer more minimal design the Articles block has less navigation options.

      We have to take into account that this block is used on a lot of pages, it's on the home page of most sites. Some sites (like CH) invest a lot of time in getting their tags right, and would probably not appreciate us removing them with no consideration for their existing content.

      This is a change that is easy to make opt-in: just include an attribute in the block that controls an if statement around navigation options. If a site wants to use this on all instances of the block, it's trivial to create a script that simply loops all posts and updates the block attribute to true.

      That way we can incrementally roll it out with NROs that choose to opt in to this behavior.

      Design changes

      • For all screens:
        • Remove the post type and tags from the block.
        • Show only one category.


      • Feature Flag: Planet 4 > Information architecture: articles block: remove post type
      • Feature Flag: Planet 4 > Information architecture: articles block: show either categories or tags (dropdown)

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            pvincent Pieter Vincent (Inactive)
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