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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-6619

Tag pages using redirect page are available at 2 different URLs with the same content


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Merged
    • Icon: Must have Must have
    • 2.81.0
    • None
    • 2
    • Tags
    • Sprint #180, Sprint #181, Sprint #182, Sprint #183, Sprint #184, Sprint #185, Sprint #186
    • umbriel

      Currently, if you assign a custom page to a tag, that custom page still has its own URL. As a result we have 2 different pages with the exact same content, which is bad news for SEO.


      You can see it even is assigned a parent page (/explore/people) which is used in the slug. The page also is assigned to the "people" category. Both these things are unnecessary work from editors as they only affect the URL we're going to remove.

      We should investigate if it's OK to use only the tag slug and drop the previous slug. Probably it's best to set up redirects for all affected pages.

      A workaround without code changes is to unpublish the redirect page. In that case it's still used as long as it's assigned as the redirect page of the tag, but won't be accessible at its own slug.

      To reproduce

      1. Create a new tag foo and assign to a few posts
      2. On /tag/foo you'll see an automatic page listing tagged content.
      3. Create a new page with title "Bar" and some custom content.
      4. Publish this page.
      5. The page is at a public URL /bar, generated from the title. /tag/foo still shows the same automatic content.
      6. Assign the "Bar" page as redirect page of the "foo" tag.
      7. Now if you go to /tag/foo it has the exact same custom content as /bar. So effectively you split traffic for the same content across 2 URLs, as long as both are available.
      • Investigate technical feasibility of doing a redirection (either through the plugin or in code)
      • Verify that this doesn't affect editing that page.

            nroussos Nikos Roussos
            pvincent Pieter Vincent (Inactive)
            Nikos Roussos Nikos Roussos
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