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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-6465

Comments: add opt-in checkbox for submitting the form


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Merged
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 2.75.1
    • None
    • 8
    • Comments, Technical Debt
    • rhea

      This a follow up from PLANET-6454 and the fact that the GDPR Comments plugin in not maintained anymore. This ticket is about implementing one of its functions: opt-in checkbox.

      Backend Requirements:

      • This should be configurable (enabled by default), in case non-GDPR NROs want to disable it.
      • The setting should live under "Planet 4 > Comments" (new section) and being a checkbox.
      • Text: "Display Opt-in checkbox"
      • Description: "This will display an opt-in checkbox in the Comments form which will be mandatory for submitting the form (GDPR requirement).".

      Frontend Requirements:

      • The text of the checkbox label should be part of the template and translatable through the Handbook.
      • For The label text: "I agree on providing my name, email and content so that my comment can be stored and displayed in the website.".
      • It should be unchecked by default and the submit button disabled. Once it's checked the submit button should be activated.

      Migration Requirements

      • As this will be deployed along with the existing GDPR plugin we need to add a post-deploy script to disable any plugin option to avoid having multiple checkboxes.
      • All plugin options are grouped under a gdpr_comments dict. We can add a post-deploy script and use wp option patch to remove the relevant plugin options. If this is released along with PLANET-6466, we can just remove the plugin.

      Documentation Requirements

            fhernand Florent Hernandez (Inactive)
            nroussos Nikos Roussos
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
