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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-6432

Add reading time length to post details


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 2.71.3
    • None
    • 2
    • Admin Panel, Posts
    • Sprint #174, Sprint #175, Sprint #176
    • pandora

      Based on idea: https://planet4.greenpeace.org/idea/add-time-length-to-post-details-e-g-2-min-read/

      User Stories

      • As a Greenpeace supporter, I want to see the reading time for articles so I know approximately how long it will take me to read them.
      • As a Greenpeace author or editor, I want to show the (automatically generated) reading time to a post so that readers are encouraged to click through and read articles.


      • should be styled according to our design systems / fonts
      • solution should have support for non-latin characters
      • should investigate both manual and dynamic (generated automatically based on word count) options for setting reading time (automatic for MVP)
      • solution should have ability to indicate which post types reading time shows up on
      • if we decide to move forward with this feature, we should define success metrics and possibly a/b test to see if it does, in fact, increase time on page/scrolling distance, etc.  (Striking this through as a non-tech requirement, but jmarubay let us know if there is something needed from our end)
      • Investigate videos length estimation for certain providers.


      Design for Posts page: https://zeroheight.com/05f6e9516/v/latest/p/835f95-post-page 

      Design for Articles Block: https://p4-designsystem.greenpeace.org/05f6e9516/p/949f34-articles

            fhernand Florent Hernandez (Inactive)
            sgrishpu Suzi Grishpul (Inactive)
            Suzi Grishpul Suzi Grishpul (Inactive)
            Dan Tovbein Dan Tovbein
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