Resolution: Released
Should have
Sprint #154
Replace these CSS colors by colors from the design system, then delete them from the codebase:
Black / Grey colors:
#000000 = $black> replace by #020202 = $grey-80-#030403 = $header-footer-bg -> replace by #020202 = $grey-80#1a1a1a = none -> replace by #020202 = $grey-80#052a30 = $dark-tiber -> replace by #020202 = $grey-80#242424 = none -> replace by #23292d = $grey- #a7a7a7 = $step-number -> unused, was removed with https://jira.greenpeace.org/browse/PLANET-5842
- #aaaaaa = none -> replace by #a3a5a7 = $grey-20 -> couldn't find it, seems unused
Blue colors:
#0a3351 = $med-blue -> replace by #074365 = $dark-blue #094464 = $cookie-blue -> replace by #074365 = $dark-blue#014c8c = $menu-blue ->replace by #020202 = $grey-80#0058cc = $link-hover-color -> replace by #006dfd = $link-color#3290de = $blue-80 -> replace by #006dfd = $link-color#21cbca = $java-dark -> replace by #68dfde = $aquamarine#093944 = $blue-tiber -> replace by #074365 = $dark-blue- #c0dbe2 = $cookie-bkg -> replace by #FFFFFF = $white -> we leave this one for now because it looks weird in white, the component will be redesigned
#074365 = none -> replace by #074365 = $dark-blue#86eee7 = $spray = -> replace by #FFFFFF = $white#3b5998 = $facebook = -> replace by #4267b2
Green colors:
#418482 = $faded-jade -> replace by #074365 = $dark-blue#0f6459 = $eden -> replace by #FFFFFF = $white#1e5f65 = $top-nav -> replace by #006dfd = $link-color#d9e6d7 = $green-20 -> replace by #FFFFFF = $white
Orange / Red colors:
#ad2330 = $red -> replace by #F75848#a01604 = $red -> replace by #F75848#dd4a22 = $orange-active -> replace by #ee562d = $orange-hover#ff3333 = none -> replace by #F75848#faf7ec = $brown-bg -> replace by #FFFFFF = $white#ea7179 = $email -> replace by #8a49de
- Before merge, deploy that in all dev sites and ask for feedback
- Check accessibility reports before and after the change. Flag with the design team any new a11y issues.
- has to be done after
PLANET-5842 Delete unused colors from the codebase
- relates to
PLANET-5266 Search: Remove custom green background gradient