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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-5368

Fix H3/H4 font sizes on mobile


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Released
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 2.45.1

      At the moment H3 (1.375rem) is smaller than H4 (1.5rem) on mobile. Ideally we should use values from the list of fonts that we have defined here: https://github.com/greenpeace/planet4-styleguide/blob/master/src/base/_fonts.scss

      Font sizes (from Will's comment): 
      H1 = XXXXL : 4rem. (mobile) XXL : 2.5rem
      H2 = XXL : 2.5rem (mobile) XL : 1.75rem
      H3 = XL : 1.75rem (mobile) lg : 1.375rem
      H4 = lg : 1.375rem (mobile) md : 1.25rem
      H5 = md : 1.25rem (mobile) s : 1rem
      H6 = s : 1rem (mobile) s : 1rem


      • Apply the new values and check if this works with other css.
      • If  this affects other css but result is still acceptible, open a follow up ticket.
      • Fix an other css that would be really broken by this change.

            fhernand Florent Hernandez (Inactive)
            mleray Maud Leray
            Magali Fatome Magali Fatome (Inactive)
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