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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-5200

Implement data attributes on Carousel Header


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Released
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 2.38.0
    • None


      Implement a set of new data attributes on the Carousel Header Block with standard values. These will be used later to trigger events and define its category, action and label. 

      Here's a screenshot linking the elements with the data-ga-action standard value (this should be the same for all block styles): 

       More Information:

      To view all events standards and data-attributes structure proposed: "P4 Events Standards - 2020 Review"  

      Next steps:

      1) Julia should create the Google Tag Manager setup in all P4-NRO's containers.  


      • Implement data-attributes on elements:
        • data-ga-category
        • data-ga-action
        • data-ga-label 
      • Implement data-attributes with the following standard values
      data-ga-category data-ga-action data-ga-label
      Carousel Header Call to Action Slide {slide number}

       Obs: The slide number should start at 1. The data-ga-label should be "Slide 1", "Slide 2", etc. 

            dpivo Dylan Pivo (Inactive)
            jmarubay Julia Marubayashi
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