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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-5193

Create Acceptance test for the Campaign Importer


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Released
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 2.36.0
    • None
    • 8
    • Campaigns, Testing
    • Sprint #139, Sprint #140

      Currently there is no test for campaign import. Set up a test with the most obvious assertions. No need to have this test cover everything, probably better to merge the initial test first and then iterate on it.

      Also this was flagged as having high complexity, so reducing that would also reduce the risk. This could be done in this ticket or separately.



      • Create dummy XML files to be used for this test and add to repo
      • Scope of this test is just to test importer is reading the uploaded XML and creating a campaign from it
      • The features and specifics of the campaign will be developed increasingly
      • Create follow up ticket to add testing coverage and set a % goal
      • Base tests on: https://github.com/greenpeace/planet4-base-fork/pull/77

            sdeshmuk Sagar Deshmukh
            pvincent Pieter Vincent (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
