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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-4891

Enforce Google Login for users with greenpeace.org email


    • 4
    • Login
    • pluto

      Since we have an increased number of bots hitting our login page, this is one of the measures we can take to ensure that GP staff is going through the normal process of logging-in with their Google account and using 2FA.

      If a user with a greenpeace.org email tries to login through the regular username/password form, prohibit that and display an error message suggesting they should the Google login. The text could be "You are trying to login with a Greenpeace email. Please use Google login button instead.


      • Prohibit login with username/password for user with greenpeace.org email
      • Display an error in those cases (see text above)
      • Make the error text translatable
      • Check for other login endpoints

            dpivo Dylan Pivo (Inactive)
            nroussos Nikos Roussos
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
