Resolution: Fixed
Should have
Block: EN Form
Sprint #113
Planet 4 Bug Report
Requestor's email: skoleva@greenpeace.org
Requestor's Skype:
Description of the issue: The problem is that when there is a donation url
different than the default one - after sign up in EN block, the user gets
redirected straightaway to the given address without seeing the thank you
block with social share buttons; the thank k you block after sign up is
visible only if there is no specified url in the form, so it uses the
default path for the monthly donation, the bug is on the Danish, Swedish,
Finnish and Norwegian live pages, on all EN forms
- Make clear the division between last field (URL) and rest of fields. URL field should only be filled in in case the user wants to redirect to a different thank you
- ltiralon to provide text of instruction of fields
- relates to
PLANET-4599 EN Form block: rework "DONATE" options of thank you message