Just as it happens with the Shortcake report (e.g. https://release.k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/international/wp-admin/admin.php?page=plugin_blocks_report) we should pull out the usage of native Gutenberg blocks, ideally labelled differently from the P4 Blocks.
Report for PRODUCTION sites should also be pulled out in the "Planet4 - All sites" doc as we do with every release >> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uAmZLIWYsxrBByqbhoF_vVtSM7WGebYWIc0xftPRPwE/edit?pli=1#gid=1244049503
- clones
PLANET-4267 Add Block report in Gutenberg (P4 Blocks)
- relates to
PLANET-4267 Add Block report in Gutenberg (P4 Blocks)
PLANET-4438 Block usage report: Add NRO custom blocks