Resolution: Won't Fix
Could have
After investigation of PLANET-4156 we figured out that the only thing that is not rendered in Gutenberg's native facebook block is the "EVENT''feature.
For all content types, we should make sure the native Gutenberg block renders the same as the P4 Social media Block, sop that we can remove our block and rely on the native one instead.
- Explore rendering f events in SM block
- Apply feature to the Facebook Embed
- Make sure rendering remains the same for all facebook page features (post, activity, photo, video, media, question, note)
- EVENT - Special rendering - try this - https://www.facebook.com/pg/thieverycorporation/events/
- TIMELINE - Special rendering - try this for test - https://www.facebook.com/greenpeaceuk/ (Timeline is actually rendering the full list of Posts of a Facebook page)
- MESSAGE INPUT - Investigate - https://www.labnol.org/internet/embed-facebook-messenger-website/29136/
- Investigate migration of P4 SM blocks to FB embeds (maybe create a follow-up ticket)
Gutenberg post >> https://k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/gutenberg/story/24368/post-with-facebook-embeds/
Classic editor test >> https://k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/gutenberg/story/24368/post-with-facebook-embeds/
- is triggered by
PLANET-4156 Embeds: harmonize P4 design
- relates to
PLANET-5135 Remove Title and Description fields from Social Media block
PLANET-5634 Facebook is deprecating oEmbeds, investigate implications for Social Media Block