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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-4082

CPP - Incorrect and inconsistent counter numbers


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Accepted
    • Icon: Must have Must have
    • 2.4

      On the Climate Emergency campaign page we have seen some incorrect and inconsistent counter numbers. The correct number is pulled from this JSON file:


      This counter is embedded in two different places on the Climate Emergency page and we have the same page on staging and prod too. The staging site was showing the correct numbers, the production site was showing incorrect numbers: one was higher, one was lower than the actual number in the JSON.

      Kelli purged the cache on Prod which solved the problem so you won't be able to reproduce it at this moment but can you imagine a reason why this would happen? Especially the fact that the two numbers are inconsistent, one actually higher than the JSON? Would be important to look into it before it happens again.


      • Investigate why the different in number between both counters and fix the discrepancy

        1. correct.png
          497 kB
        2. incorrect.png
          425 kB

            dpivo Dylan Pivo (Inactive)
            gabor.galgocz gabor.galgocz
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