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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3838

Customise Take Action boxout block to allow custom URLs


    • 1
    • Block: Take Action
    • Sprint #96, Sprint #97, Sprint #98, Sprint #99, Sprint #100, Sprint #101

      As an Editor I want to enable custom links on action boxouts (selector) to directly send to a petition (rather than to a P4 Take Action page) with a tracked link different on every post.

      The fundraising team would like to add call to action on the side bar for specific post + want to be able to track them. We did create a fake ACT page + redirect for a specific occasion but we'd like to be able to customise the boxout in general for every post to send directly on a specific external petition or donation page avoiding a non-useful click via the ACT page where we can loose or visitor.

      Idea by lbockler >> https://planet4.greenpeace.org/idea/specific-take-action-boxout-url/


      • Add URL field , including checkbox to open externally
      • Add image field for background
      • Add excerpt field
      • Add tags field
      • Disable new fields if a P4 page is selected from original dropdown field
      • Disable original dropdown field if URL field (or any of the new fields) is filled in
      • All new fields are compulsory if existing take action page selected
      • Display label indicating the primary objective of block is drive user to action. To be provided by Will

            dpivo Dylan Pivo (Inactive)
            ltiralon Luca Tiralongo
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