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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3726

#389589 Flush Object Cache prompt issue


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 1.60
    • None
    • 16
    • Admin Panel
    • Sprint #93

      It seems that there is an issue with the Flush Cache functionality.

      In Control Panel > Planet 4 Control Panel > Flush Object Cache
      it is the functionality that deletes the object cache keys.

      It used to have a prompt after successfully deleted the cache
      Like "object cache successfully deleted"

      a) Is it still working ?

      b) Is there any other way to delete object cache
      to immediately update the not-logged-in user's content in their browser ?


      • Modify flush link to empty every cache: TBD by rawalker
      • include Redis flush db

        1. redis db keys before flush.jpg
          164 kB
          Angelos Theodorakopoulos
        2. redis db keys after flush.jpg
          16 kB
          Angelos Theodorakopoulos
        3. AwesomeScreenshot-Dashboard-Greenpeace-WordPress-2019-07-09-15-07-37.png
          35 kB
          Angelos Theodorakopoulos

            atheodor Angelos Theodorakopoulos (Inactive)
            kspiliop Kostantinos Spiliopoulos
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