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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3630

Engaging Networks Forms: Hidden Opt In field should have editable value


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Must have Must have
    • 1.58
    • None
    • Block: EN Form

      In EN forms v2, it is possible to put an opt in as hidden field, but it has the following problems:

      • it doesn't get rendered in the page (as hidden field)
      • In its edit part it doesnt' have a default value (which if it is hidden will be the one that will be submited).


      • In the edit part of a hidden opt in field, add a value field
      • include it as hidden field in the form

      Part of the UAT is to test that the field is indeed gets submited to EN.

            pcuadrad Pablo Cuadrado (Inactive)
            kkokkoro Konstantinos Kokkorogiannis (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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