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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3543

EN Form Block: Opt in questions should get the text from the EN Api


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Should have Should have
    • 1.56
    • None
    • 8
    • Engaging Networks
    • Sprint #89, Sprint #90

      In the new version of the EN plugin, the opt-in questions should not have editable text. The text should be picked up from the API (EN has delivered that functionality).
      Notice: If the text has html in it, that html needs to be rendered correctly.

      Additional to that: The page "Question settings" will not be needed any more, so we need to delete it (so as to not confuse the users).

      After an optin has been selected, the edit pencil should appear. Upon clicking on the pencil, the editor is presented with a choise (drop down select field) of the locales on which this question is available.
      If only one is available, that one is used by default (the user does not have to do anything)

      Feedback from engaging networks about the new endpoint https://www.e-activist.com/ens/service/supporter/questions/XXX

            atheodor Angelos Theodorakopoulos (Inactive)
            kkokkoro Konstantinos Kokkorogiannis (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
