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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3387

CPP - Take action block buttons have incorrect colors


      Context: the Take Action block has buttons that have a very specific behaviour that can be checked in the default theme:


      (under the block entitled Things you can do)

      The buttons have white border, white text, and on hover they take the color of the Primary buttons (one example of the primary button is just above this block, labeled Take action). In the default theme this color is orange.

      The customizer made by HM has a color picker for Primary button color. The correct behaviour of the Take action block buttons would be that they are white as they are now on the default theme and on hover they would take the color of the selected color of the Primary button color picker.

      To replicate:

      open https://k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/campaigns/campaign/demo-page-with-all-available-blocks-arctic/

      scroll down a bit to Take action block entitled "Take action covers (Covers Block)"

      check buttons - now they have the same color as the default primary button, which is incorrect.

      They should only take the primary button color on hover, in their inactive state they should have the same appearance as in the default theme.


            sdeshmuk Sagar Deshmukh
            gabor.galgocz gabor.galgocz
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