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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3357

Minimal header and footer


      The campaign page customizer has a layout option for a "minimal header" but what HM delivered is nothing more than the current header with the navigation items (Act, Explore) removed.

      I'd like to spend some time thinking about what we'd need from a minimal header/footer. My current thinking is that the minimal header/footer does not need any navigation items, search bar or anything that can lead users away from the page (but i'm open to discussions). A nice example (yes, i'm biased https://www.peoplevsoil.org/en/join-us

      This page has a minimal header and footer that i'd be happy with. If you agree then we'd need to include the following:

      header: just one logo. clicking on it would lead you to the homepage (away from the petition)

      footer: campaign logo, greenpeace logo, legal text, social media icons

      (Personally I think that the green Greenpeace logo is in conflict with every possible other color on a campaign page so I'd vote for black and white logos only but let's discuss this)

      (Note that one of the color options of the header will be transparent, so only the logo will be visible on the background image)


        1. campaign_nav.jpg
          286 kB
        2. design_adjustments.jpg
          799 kB
        3. social.png
          5 kB

            dpivo Dylan Pivo (Inactive)
            gabor.galgocz gabor.galgocz
            0 Vote for this issue
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