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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-3308

Select and review GDPR-safe Comment plugin


    • 8
    • Comments
    • Sprint #80

      Since European GDPR (General Data Protection Rules) came into effect (May 2018), IP addresses now do qualify as personal information, hence P4 sites which are collecting them in the comments are now potentially in breach of these rules.

      So, as mentioned in 2524 and in the GPI site Privacy policy, we (P4) should not collect IP addresses (we don't as of now with our KPI setup in Google Analytics).

      As of today, each time users leave a comment s/he is asked to leave name / email, but we are de facto collecting IP addresses, which we must stop doing.

      So, as rawalker pointed out, there are a few GDPR-compliant plugins, we should select and review one according to our protocols, before implementing it, at the very least in our EU sites.

      This should be done in coordination with jmarubay and imohamme and with their Cookies - KPI March plans...

      cc aradu ktolen mdebried diovane mcolacino mcampbel

            kkokkoro Konstantinos Kokkorogiannis (Inactive)
            ltiralon Luca Tiralongo
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