Resolution: Fixed
Should have
Sprint #67
Request from Japan:
Some fonts are weirdly displayed like the one attached below "Font_on_Windows_Laptop_-_Chrome.png" (ex. in viewing Mehul's windows 10 chrome blowser).This heading includes two mixed font style that are serif / san-serif which looks weird.So I want to set font-style as "san-selif" in any devices.
(See attachment "スクリーンショット 2018-12-05 17.53.17.png") And I know planet 4 have different body text fonts in mobile / pc view on purpose, but I want to adopt same san-serif font. I assume it is decided based on global greenpeace branding but it would be great if we could change.
- relates to
PLANET-3028 Japan: Fix fonts to use Noto Sans