Resolution: Unresolved
Could have
GP Lux just released special shortcode in the wysiwyg, is this something we could integrate in the global product? Let's see.
This request was generated to put an image for the CTA to make it responsive / stretched etc. but this is one of the uses we could make of it.
*LIVE P4 Page #1 (LUX) > https://www.greenpeace.org/luxembourg/fr/agir/luttons-pour-la-justice-climatique/
- LIVE P4 Page #2 (LUX) > https://www.greenpeace.org/luxembourg/de/aktualitaet/2772/peoples-climate-case-zehn-familien-erheben-klage-gegen-eu-parlament-und-eu-rat-wegen-klima-untaetigkeit/
- TEST staging (LUX) >> https://release.k8s.p4.greenpeace.org/luxembourg/fr/agir/youth-solar/
No need to be reviewed by design team. Standard CTA button should be applied.