if we go with HTML - we have to consider how this will impact the design (floating menu, usabilla, etc) and which pages it should appear on (Act, Take Action, Post)
if we go with AddThis as a temp solution:
AddThis Profile ID: ra-54510c710c3d3d92
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-54510c710c3d3d92"></script>
cc kkokkoro
Update: After discussing with ktolen we decided to go for the AddThis (hardcoded) for the prototype, and do a more robust work (design, markup, configuration settings, pure html) before the first pilot.
- relates to
PLANET-941 MLP: Share on other platforms and apps
PLANET-3872 EN Form: Adjust sharing buttons of "Thank you" screens to behave like Posts and Take Action pages
PLANET-1808 Share button: adjust placement