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  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-1323

Block: Cover


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Must have Must have
    • None
    • 16
    • Sprint #22

      As a user

      I want to see covers of posts

      So that I see and navigate to relevant posts


      As an author

      I want to attach three posts to a block (will be the 3 latest Actions related to this Issue) 

      So that the data can be powered by that post


      As a user

      I want the block to have a header

      So that I know what the block is for


      As a user

      I want to see the posts tags

      So that I can navigate to the tag search page


      As a user

      I want to the see the title of the post

      So that I know what post the cover is for


      As a user

      I want to see the posts feature image as a background thumbnail

      So that it looks good


      As a user

      I want the post except to display

      So I can read some context of the post


      As a user

      I want a button

      So that I can navigate to the post


      Full page can be seen at: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0B6J-QWxbAW55S2VKekk1Sm9NWFk

        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

            atheodor Angelos Theodorakopoulos
            mcshanea Adrian McShane
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