Uploaded image for project: 'Planet4'
  1. Planet4
  2. PLANET-1296

Header (top with Menu)


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Must have Must have
    • None
    • 16
    • Sprint #21

      As a user

      I want a header at the top of the page

      So that I can easily access navigation and search


      As a user

      I want to see the GreenPeace logo

      So that I know who owns the site I’m visiting and have a clickable link to the homepage


      As a user

      I want a customisable dropdown menu

      So that I can navigate to other greenpeace websites


      As a user

      I want customisable quick links

      So that I can quickly access important pages easily


      As a user

      I want a navigable button

      So that I can navigate to the donate page


      As a user

      I want a search box

      So that I can enter search terms and be taken to the search page

        1. header.jpg
          22 kB
          Adrian McShane

            atheodor Angelos Theodorakopoulos
            mcshanea Adrian McShane
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
