Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- PLANET-1201
Arrange and perform UAT with product (or feature) owner - PLANET-1162
Check code with RIPS - PLANET-1161
Execute test - PLANET-1160
Show URL for each item - PLANET-1159
List retrieved data in the dashboard page - PLANET-1158
Retrieve all the pages that have been created in the specified EN account - PLANET-1157
Create plugin main dashboard page - PLANET-1156
Implemented localisation for plugin - PLANET-1155
Create documentation of how to get/setup the necessary info from EN (for api) - PLANET-1154
Ask Michael to create a new sandbox account for testing - PLANET-1153
Created settings page for connection of plugin with specific EN account - PLANET-1152
Design (or copy) file structure and design patterns for the plugin - PLANET-1151
Study WP coding standards
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